Fat Loss Belly

Learn Facts and ways about our most stubborn fat-storing body part –


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Lose Your Belly

We are all different, but it’s not just about vanity when it comes to having a big belly.

Hello from me Jenni Newton

As a maturing lady, I have found it harder and harder to lose belly fat, but so much easier to gain weight around my midsection. While I’m not a doctor, I have practiced and studied alternative therapy for many years. It’s unfortunate that many of the so-called magic potions and lotions available today are nothing more than hyped false hopes, designed solely to take our money with the promise of overnight transformation. Now there are many new developments in the market, and this informational website aims to provide not just my views on what we can do and use in our fight against belly fat, but takes a more research-based approach.

As a writer, I spend considerable time investigating and sourcing medically researched facts. None of the information on this site is me telling you what you must do – it’s for informational and entertainment purposes only. If there are any products mentioned that you may want to try, I may be rewarded, but it will have no effect on the price you would pay. I hope I’ve covered the legal aspects, but I really do hope you find some useful information within, and it may help you on your journey to wellness. As mentioned above, this isn’t just about vanity but about a healthy you. We know it’s unsightly, but it’s well-publicized how the effects of belly fat can negatively impact our health over time.

Jenni Newton, Alternative Therapist and Writer

Visceral fat is belly fat found deep within your abdominal cavity

“Each healthy choice adds up. Keep going—you’ve got this!”

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